Kamis, 29 April 2010

Assemble Your Own Computer

Computer is one of abundant secondary that is needed for now other than to learn as well to play and meet with others via the internet. we want to have a computer with high specifications but do not have the budget to buy it. The following tips are quite useful for consideration.

* First let's look first on your budget
* The estimate what specs you want for your computer, example not only for ordinary jobs do not take the vga graphics for high resolution and reverse.
* Then consult with your friend who knows about assembling a computer so that no one bought the device and consult what will we buy or do not fit the motherboard.
* Next select the first reliable place to buy a device that we needed and asked back on your friends if you choose a place that is cheap enough and the service was satisfactory.
* Do not forget to ask that will guarantee the goods we buy it.
* Then let us install the device - such devices with the help of indecent another one of your friends are smart assemble a computer.

So hopefully useful info from my good-assemble

Here's an example Specifications


- Processor Dual Core / Core 2 Duo 2.93 GHz

- HDD 250 GB

- RAM 1 GB Vgen

- VGA 512 Mb Pixelview

- DVD RW Samsung / LG

- Chasing Sim X

- Keyboard & Mouse Komic / Manhattan

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